MBA in English

  • España

Detalle del programa

    Modalidad Presencial

    Duración12 meses

    PrecioA Consultar

    Titulo OtorgadoMBA

The full time MBA is our flagship international is our flagship program in Madrid and Barcelona, designed to accelerate transformation for professionals or entrepreneurs. The program is aimed for those who are restless, who enjoy their ambition and have a deep desire to generate impact. The program combines a multidisciplinary and international focus, development of soft skills that are essential for success in the business world, and tools for autoevaluation and planning for your goals, both personal and professional.

Our MBA, offered in English is a one year, on campus, full-time program in Madrid or Barcelona. Primarily intended for professionals with 3 to 7 years of work experience or entrepreneurs from any industry and academic background.

Every year we take in over 60 students from different nationalities with diverse functions, backgrounds and talents to build an optimized ecosystem of diversity that enriches the learning experience and growth of its participants.

The program uses imminently practical and interactive methodologies that aim to develop critical thinking, collaboration and strengthen leadership skills. Additionally, during the program you will take part in different academic initiatives that will power your creativity, fuel innovation and push you way out of your comfort zone. This combination will provide you with the agility, flexibility and creativity needed in a dynamic and changing context.

Our MBA was the first general management degree in Spain, so our trajectory takes us back over 50 years training professionals to make an impact.

Choosing EAE enhances your future

At EAE, we train professionals with the profiles in the highest demand from companies and the competences required in the employment market. The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you with our  MBA in English

  • CEO
  • General Director
  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Strategic Director
  • Business Developer

Your Career Plan begins with your enrolment. As soon as you reserve your place, you start working with our Professional Careers department by accessing the Professional Impact service.

In the Warm Up phase, which starts as soon as you enrol, you will be given the tools, support and accompaniment you need in a self-diagnostic process to identify your aspirations, goals and capacities, designed to begin devising your personalized professional development plan. You benefit from the support of a mentor and personalized feedback that will help you make the very most of the adventure of learning and training at EAE.

EAE Business School es una escuela de negocios internacional que nace en 1958 y tiene alma del siglo XXI. Porque sumamos a varias décadas de experiencia la visión de vanguardia para asimilar los cambios del mundo trepidante en que vivimos, y porque de este anhelo explorador nace nuestra capacidad de innovar, de aplicar nuevas tecnologías, de aportar soluciones ante cada nuevo reto, de impulsar una cultura directiva de signo global. Así lo vienen haciendo los 77 000 directivos que se han formado con nosotros y nos representan en empresas de todo el mundo.

Rumbo a la excelencia

EAE propone un modelo educativo edificado sobre una relación de confianza con los alumnos, donde la ética profesional y el aprendizaje práctico son protagonistas. Puedes conocer sus fundamentos en este decálogo:

Nuestra misión es capacitar a profesionales, a líderes carismáticos no tanto para mandar, sino para ser influyentes y liderar los cambios en sus empresas, para ser transformadores. Formamos personas cualificadas con principios y con valores.

Estudiar en EAE significa poder elegir entre un gran número de programas especializados que se adaptan al mercado de trabajo, con formatos compatibles con tu vida y la transversalidad necesaria para abarcar diversas áreas de conocimiento. Si el futuro es pluridisciplinar tienes que prepararte para ello.

Nuestro método de enseñanza está pegado a la realidad. Lo importante aquí vas más allá de lo que aprendes, lo relevante es cómo lo pones en práctica y qué puedes hacer para aplicarlo en tu vida profesional y en tu trabajo.

Calidad contrastada

Tras años de calidad educativa, hemos merecido el reconocimiento de los más prestigiosos rankings nacionales e internacionales, como Bloomberg, QS, América Economía, CNN Expansión y Eduniversal, entre otros.

EAE es socio de prestigiosas entidades nacionales e internacionales, como AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), CLADEA (Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración), EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) o EMBAC (Executive MBA Council). Además, nuestros programas están certificados por entidades como el PMI (Project Management Institute) o el CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals), además del Ministerio de Educación, ANECA y AQU.

EAE está adherida a PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) y Red Pacto Mundial España.

A global world, driven by uncertainty and change, needs versatile, creative and highly adaptable People. Companies require responsible leaders capable of designing strategic approaches for their organizations with the vision and talent that this playing field requires.

EAE’s Full-Time MBA is a full-time learning adventure where you will develop your leadership skills, acquire a global vision of business and develop your critical thinking skills. Through the program, you will gain confidence in decision-making, enhance your perspective and strengthen your competences, while gaining a command of essential management techniques and tools. Moreover, on this Master, you will create an excellent network of friends and colleagues through the EAE community and Business ecosystem.

What are you going to learn in the program?

✓ Environment and global markets

You will gain in-depth knowledge of the external variables that affect every organization, as well as the foundations for analysing them. Moreover, you will learn the key concepts related to Marketing, Digital Marketing and customer satisfaction and experience, with the aim of developing the strategies required in the current everchanging business environments.

✓ Talent Management

You will learn the composition of the company’s Human Resource and examine techniques in relation to leadership, talent management, organizational behaviour and social responsibility.

✓ Strategic management

You will analyse the concepts and strategies that are available to organizations to enhance their growth and development in international markets. Moreover, you will discuss concepts associated with business initiative, which enables an entrepreneurial vision to develop and launch new businesses.

✓ Strategic resources

You will develop the key strategic aspects for decision-making, which will have an impact, both when embarking on new entrepreneurial ventures or businesses, and when starting internationalization processes.



Develop capacities such as teamwork, motivation, communication, business ethics and social responsibility.


Develop the power to anticipate and adapt to change to enhance the competitiveness of your organization.


Apply the latest technologies and manage with the flexibility required in new markets and the evolution of society.

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